Scholarships For Novices

The International Buddhist Organization For Culture Education and Social Development (Australia, website: ) shall offer some scholarships, subject to satisfactory assessments,  to any poor student who commit himself to the study and to become a good novice at a temple.
It will be assessed on a relevant case basis. The amount of the scholarship awards will be provided can be ranged between USD$200 up to USD$2,000 per annum. It is conditionally renewable year to year until the student completes university degrees. The awards will be directly transferred monthly to the bank account of recipient student or his guardian/ supervisor.


Students who wish to apply for the scholarships must submit the application and supporting documents in writing to the provider in the following manners:

1. Personal curriculum with all personal particulars, last 3 years schooling records, any publications, writings, any club members and photos.
2. A writing letter describing the reasons why he apply for this scholarship.
3. Some references from the temple or the local Headmaster of the local schools he has been studying.
4. Email all documents to: [email protected] or [email protected]  .
5. The above information is served as a guide not a strict formula.

Assessment Criteria.

1.  Family circumstances.

a. The financial hardship of the family inclusive of the annual earning, job description, housing.
b. The composition of the family.
c. The historical background of the family.
d. The geographic areas where the students are living with their families.
e. Religious nomination of the family and history of their commitment to religious practice.


2. Personal characters

a. The physical characteristics or attributes of the student. (from the age of 8 to 15)
b. Historical schooling records of the students in the last 3 years.
c. The recommendation of the Headmaster or the teacher who has been teaching the student for the last 3 years.
d. The references of the Abbotts of the temples where the student is living in the last 3 years.
e. The satisfactory interviews between the provider and the student on the record.
f. The commitment to study of the students when they received a scholarship.
g. The social environment where the student interacts with the other young people.


3. Studying supporting environment.

a.  The social cultural structure of the student’s current living location.
b.  The religious practice of the family.
c. The demographic information of the location.
d. The private or the government high schools nearby.
e. The nature of community surrounding the student.


Scholarship Benefits.

1.  Full scholarship benefits.

In this category,  the Metta Fund will provide the full scholarship benefits to the recipients. The Full scholarship will include tuition fees, annual clothing, books, pens and papers and meals.  Additional benefit, inclusive of the transport and computers laptops will also be provided for the excellence students.

2. Partial scholarship benefits.

Partial scholarship benefits inclusive of tuition fees, books, papers, and clothes will be provided to the students who can only meet some but not all requirements in terms of family circumstances and personal preferences. The student may not have the excellent study record. But this student can demonstrate that they are willing to perform and willing to study to improve himself.

3. Supporting scholarship benefits.

Some financial supports will be granted to the some very poor students who fail to meet all the requirements for full or partial scholarships, but are still willing to perform and willing to improve himself or herself.

Enquiries Should Be Forwarded To :

Dr Timothy Sheil, Assistant to the Chair. or
Venerable Visuddhamma, (Professor of University of New South Wales) – Chairperson of Metta Education Fund.
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